'The Lies We Told'
by: Diane Chamberlain
Maya and Rebecca Ward are sisters who are both doctors, but their similarities end there!! The fact that they both grew up and became physicians is in itself a big accomplishment, seeing as how they both witnessed their parents' murders when they were just teenagers. Rebecca, the older sister vows not to let Maya be placed into the foster care system, and so therefore struggles and raises her sister as her own, all the while being only three years older.
Maya ends up marrying yet another Doctor and they seem to have the perfect marriage, yet lead a much quieter life than her sister. Rebecca is second in command to a very important group of Medical Volunteers, and is quite the risk-taker when it comes right down to it. She doesn't plan on settling down by getting married and having a family.
Then a tragedy hits the coast of North Carolina and Rebecca and Maya's husband, Adam, are among the first to head over with their Medical Volunteer group. This is to be Adam's first experience with this group. Once there, the devastation hits them on a deeply personally level, and Adam calls Maya and practically begs her, possibly guilts her into coming to help, knowing full well that this type of thing isn't up Maya's alley at all. But to everyone's surprise, Maya agrees and jumps in to help at full force.
The tragedies they witness are so horrible, that you can't imagine them getting any worse. But they do, and these three find themselves separated and worried about each other. How will they deal with their worries? Who will they have to turn to?
You absolutely have to read this book to find out.
The end will amaze you!!
This book is a fantastic read, but I didn't expect otherwise, considering the author. It is definitely a page turner, and just when you think you have it all figured out...think again.
Make sure you stop by Diane's website and sign her guestbook.
And now, as always....
My personal thoughts on this book!!
Diane does an excellent job at telling the story of sisterhood. Throughout this story, both sisters think they have saved each other after their parents' murders (and they probably truly have) They both think that honesty isn't always the best policy. You know, maybe a little lie is sometimes better than the full truth?? I think at some point, we all feel this way in some relationship that we have. Yet, in the end, we usually find out that we needed to just go ahead and be honest with each other the whole time. My sister and I have a very strained (to say the least) relationship. At times, I feel that the little I do is more than enough, but truthfully it isn't. I guess when it comes right down to it, a sister is a sister, no matter what she has said or done in the past. With that said, I promise myself that I will write to my sister tonight. It is very much overdue. Thanks for the silent reminder, Diane!!
The heartaches and heartbreaks in this story were definitely enough to bring tears to my eyes. I found myself deeply caring about these two sisters and rooting for them throughout their troubles, which in this book, aren't exactly spared!! This story does an excellent job at portraying how hard relationships (sexual and otherwise) can be if you aren't always honest with each other, if you don't talk to each other on a regular basis and let the other person know truly how you are feeling. The relationships in this book are so true to life, you see how something that seems so good can fall apart in an instant.
I think that like this story shows, it is so important for all of us, even those who aren't medically trained, to volunteer in some way or another. You know, it doesn't only take doctors and nurses. Diane does a great job at showing and helping you to appreciate all the others who are involved, young students fresh out of pilot school for instance, who are thrown right into the midst of tragedy and expected to do numerous runs back and forth carrying very badly wounded and ill patients to hospitals, etc. In tragedies we come across everyday you see the neighbors helping whenever they can. I think that this is exactly how it should be. There is ALWAYS something that needs to be done, even if it is washing laundry, just smiling and talking to those that are hurting, trying to help reassure them, etc.
And by all means, don't wait til a tragedy strikes to offer you help to someone in need. It's the little things that count, and it's been proven time and time again...a little goes a long way, especially when everyone pitches in. Something that might seem so small to us, could mean the world to someone else!!
Enough of my babbling, yeah yeah, I know.
Now...go buy this book if you haven't already read it!!
Love to all!!
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